Goodbye year…

imageThe last day of 2013 has come. A fresh new year just around the corner.
I have so much gratitude for this year. Their has been lots of joy,laughter & tears,magic & beautiful memories had.
I am grateful for all that I learnt. I am grateful for life. What I’m most grateful for is the love that I felt. The love the has made me know myself more,accept who I am,filled me up with magic & given me the wings to fly.
Goodbye year it’s been a blast.

So I breathe…

So I’m trying really hard to live in the moment. It’s not easy. My mind drifts off to moments that don’t exsist. Then I remind myself that theirs only now. Sometimes I breathe deeply which helps me to open up my senses. Now has a special aroma to it I think. It smells fresh & pure.

The night….


Your shadow comes to find you. When we are calm & ready. It comes so we can finally say goodbye to the past sorrows,the days gone black.
It comes to remind us how strong we really are. Whispering softly that you’re safe.
When for so long your shadow was blocking away the light.
I realised tonight that my shadow doesn’t walk first. That my light shines brighter. That bad things have happened to me. Bad things that shouldn’t have happened. But they did. And the only thing is to keep walking, this time with my shadow behind me.

Dream big….


Find what makes your heart beat that little bit faster.
Don’t wait for tomorrow to make your dreams come true. Their will never be tomorrow but right now.
Dream big & believe that you deserve it. Seek out inspiration & it will show it’s self in places you would never have thought.
Be kind to yourself & to others. Don’t give up on life because life never gives up on you.
Take time for yourself & enjoy your own presence. Be who you want to be and really that’s you.

The day after…

So it’s a day after Christmas. The most magical day of the year done & dusted till another year.
It was my most favourite Christmas so far.
Every year except this one I long for the holidays to be over so then life goes back to business as usual. But this year I feel different. Maybe it’s because I feel so much peace & calm in my life.
The breeze is fresh & alive & so inviting.