
I wanted to feel closer to you
as I let go of the strings,
pulling us nearer.
But people also pass
like tiny drops of rain
as I look through my window.
The flowers look brighter,
because of all the rain.
Today looks so still
the frozen moment
of me missing you.
But still playing over & over in my mind.
Sometimes we just never find out why.
Why or even what?
What the hell was that…
shooting stars
falling right across my heart.



Nothing that is lived is ever forgotten .
It pulls on the tides.
Stories & secrets
Your morning coffee
The stuff that make you feel safe & tingly inside.
The strings been weaved together,
The strings been pulled apart.
One by one.
Strand by strand.
It’s all smells so sweet in the air.
I feel safe,warm and fuzzy inside.


I’m out amongst,
the world right now.
Yes I am siting alongside the moving cars,
but their is still that softness.
No matter where we are going,
or where we have already been.
We are alive.
That in itself is amazing.
We breathe, we bleed, we cry oceans of infinite amounts of tiny puddles.
Then we ask for more.
How do you stop yourself from not holding on.
Trust is the anchor, the one that keeps you centred.
